
Our Mission

“My immediate goal with this new firm is to continue to educate, advocate and influence conservation in Florida and help organizations work on complex environmental issues.

I will integrate my solid scientific foundation, knowledge of environmental policy and savvy negotiating skills into protecting and restoring Florida’s environment and be instrumental in ensuring a healthy future for Florida’s citizens.

Starting my own consulting firm will allow me to work on any environmental issue in the state and free me from only working in the 501c3 sector. What the Environmental movement is missing is more support for candidates that work hard to protect the environment, I hope to ensure that the candidates that will protect and restore the environment are elected.”

- Laura Reynolds
Founding Member

Our Story


Conservation Concepts LLC was founded in 2016 by former tropical Audubon Society executive director Laura Reynolds in order to more effectively bridge the gap between science and policy.

We believe helping nonprofits to identify conservation issues, understand them, provide outreach to communities, and raise funds is a necessary part of achieving cons throughout the state of Florida.

Our team hit the ground running, simultaneously coordinating two major projects; the managing the ‘Hold the Line’ coalition to help Miami-Dade grow along a socially and environmentally responsible development path, and managing the Clean Water Act lawsuit brought by Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Friends of the Everglades, and Tropical Audubon Society against the Florida Power and Light company over pollution generated within their Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station cooling canal system.

Over time we have expanded the scope of our operations to take on a variety of highly important projects across South Florida, from the successful “No on One” campaign to the consulting on sustainable development along the Oleta River, to the “Now or Neverglades” Campaign, and many more.

Conservation Concepts is a visionary company with an eye toward the future. We hope to continue expanding our operations by providing high quality, reliable service to our clients and spreading our know-how to all manner of environmentally oriente​d groups throughout the region.

Our Team

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Laura Reynolds


Zachariah Cosner


Josh Sproat


Christy Crandall


Scott Pollowitz